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Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Promise for Mankind

Lonely, I’m so lonely
The feeling inside I can’t get rid
Shadows used to be around me
I never knew till it was done
I am one of son of sin
Son of sin singing song of sin
In the house of all sins
The evil would never win they says
But I’m son of sin
How could that be?
Today sin is everywhere
That’s why I’m singing songs of sin
Evil still has power
That’s why sins would never over
Game continues
Show goes on
And hell become beautiful
Heaven is just a dream
The world is everything
Don’t matter others
There’s no such thing
As truth
If you don’t play by the rule
So long rule’s creatures!
Bye, you would never live
You would never win
Just remember this, sinners!
Moment of truth is getting closer
Doomsday is a promise
See you in promised day!

Jakarta, June 30th, 1994

My Sorry for Thine Sorrows

I see you in the dark
I call you don’t hark
Darkness had you blind
Decision is thine
I know your fear of evil
I reach out my hands
You don’t stand a chance
Emptiness had you deaf
I give right you take as left
I understand your loneliness
I’m there you don’t care
I say the truth you call me loco
You’ll never know what is tomorrow
We got to live today as it ain’t hay
Thee got to see what I’m gonna be
Don’t blame anybody but mirage in the mirror
One day thee will see what I want you to be
There are ways to Rome
But way to heaven is my own
And you infringe it
You stuck in freezing dreams
You trapped in melting ideas
You dead before live
You end before began
You faded before blossom
I’m sorry brother, sorry for thee
I’m sorry for being me
I’m sorry for being your failed friend
I’m sorry for my madness
I’m sorry for sorrows I cost you
I’m sorry for heartaches I made
I’m sorry for trying
I’m sorry brother, sorry for thee…

Jakarta, September 23rd, 1994

What It Does To ME

Does love meant to be beautiful.
Does it meant to brighten
Does it meant to heal
Does it meant to soothe
Does it meant to be joyous
Does it meant to be glorious
Does it meant to grow
Does it meant to create
Does it meant to caress
Does it meant to thrill
Does it meant to peace
Does it meant to unite
Does it meant to be heaven
Does it meant to understand
Does it meant to forgive
Does it meant to forget
Does it meant to be sweet
Does it meant to be nice
Does it meant to be true happiness
Does it meant to be true honesty
Does it meant to be bliss
Does it meant to bless
Does it meant to give
Does it meant never give up
Does it meant never surrender
Does it meant fatigueless
Does it meant innocent
Does it meant naive
Does it meant stupid
Does it meant stubborn
Does it meant persistent
Does it meant blind
Does it meant indignity
Does it meant to strengthen
Does it meant to weaken
Does it meant to you
Does it meant to me
Does it meant to us
Does it meant nothing…..

Jakarta 19 March 2007

Wretched LOVE

This pain
This agony
This anguish
Never imagine
Never even thought

Would come from you
Would done by you
My love,
You are my love.
You are my life

Nothing could replace you
None could replace you
My love,
You are my hope
You are my soul
Nothing could bring rainbow like you
Nothing could bring colors like you
My love,
You are my peace
You are my comfort
My love,
You are my happiness
You are my composure
My love,
Where are you now?
How are you now?
What are you doing now?
My love,
How could you do this
How could you do this
Left me so devastated
Left me so dead
What for?
My love,
What for?
My love,
Bring me not gold
Bring me not the world
Bring me not silver
Bring me not water
Bring me not bread
Bring me not the bed

My love,
Just undone this pain
Just undone this agony
Just undone this anguish
My love,
Just be with me
Just cherish me

Just caress me
Just love me
My love,
I love you.

August 26, 2006

SHE's To Me

She’s a diamond
No matter how thick the muck is
No matter how deep she’s been drawn
She’s a diamond
People might say how stupid thou
How can one take such a disgrace?
Why would thee close thy eyes
What good does she could bring
The question is can one see what he sees
The thing is can one hear what he heed
The deed was clear
The evil so stood out
Yet none could help to notice
She’s a victim
Not a doer
She’s a sufferer
Not a triumphant
To a clear eyes
She’s a diamond
A true one
Note that she’s a true one!
Not a boondoggle
Not a Sahara
She’s a diamond really to me

December 2nd, 2004