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Thursday, February 8, 2007

After the Solitude

Back at home after three week long in solitude. Away from things i love, everyone i love. Away from everything that actually i'll never can let go nor let me go. The distance was inevitable. The distance was much needed. It gives me a chance to think and rethink. It shows me things closer than ever.
The loneliness was familiar yet still painful. At the end of the day, it gives me new perspective of how life goes on with or without me. With or without my approval. Despise as i can, life still loves me as it was always. And the strange thing was, no matter how fierce my denial was, can't really let life slip away from my breath.
Truth or not, life doesn't really care. All it care about is, live, or be left. All it does is just surround me with all it's glitters, all it's complications. Love will never rule life. Nothing in this world can rule life. Confusion is just tiny cost for all the promises. Woe or bliss, up to you to take it my dear readers, there's always choices and chances in life.

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